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Sunday, May 12, 2013

SNSD Seohyun Have the Best Elegant Solid Faces

8:07 PM

Seohyun Girls' Generation has been known to have a plain face. The title now seems even more firmly through the results of a survey. Seohyun name became champions as idols that have an elegant straight face.

Regen Cosmetics conducted a poll with the question "who is the member girl group that has a plain face with elegant upscale appearance?". A total of 592 people aged 20-30 years contributed his voice.

Seohyun chosen half of the total number of respondents with 51.3 percent of the vote. Meanwhile, 2NE1's Sandara Park followed with 21.4 percent of the number of votes. After that there Dasom Shunhwa Sistar and Secret.

"We became more understood by the public image of the girl group members," said Regen Cosmetics. "Lately skin clean and fresh look with a style called 'royal innocently." We think these girls like to have clean skin because it gave him the image of luxury. "

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