Unique theme is selected in the latest episode of the reality show "Running Man". Not long ago a preview of the latest episode of "Running Man" has just been released. The show featuring the members of "Running Man" is transformed into superhero "The Avengers".
Song Ji Hyo turned into a Black Widow as Iron Man Haha. Lee Kwang Soo later became Hawkeye, Yoo Jae Suk as Captain America, Kim Jong Kook as Thor and Ji Suk Jin became the Hulk. Interestingly, Gary was elected as Spider-Man is actually included in "The Avengers" in Marvel comics version.
The preview displays the members of "Running Man" who flaunt their power. They also look to work together against the criminals in the episode.
Unfortunately the stars who will be the villain in the episode was still a secret. The identity of the villain is also making the fans became more curious. "Running Man" episode of "The Avengers" was aired on SBS.
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