Kwon Yuri Girls' Generation is often showcased its activities since the photo has Instagram. Now he is updating his account with a photo to make the fans happy. Yuri fun dancing with Hyoyeon and Yoona.
The photos were uploaded to Instagram Yuri on June 18. There seemed Yuri, Hyoyeon and Yoona do a splashy dance moves. "Dancing Queen. HYYRYA," wrote of "Fashion King" was.
Yoona's face was not visible because it is hair, but Hyoyeon can easily be recognized. Long hair movement Yuri, Hyoyeon and YoonA makes them seem full of energy movement. Netter himself participated happy to see they can still have fun.
"What is HYYRYA? But the name was cool like a fashion magazine," said a netizen. "Is that the name of the new subunits? Hurry guys comeback," wrote another fan. "When I saw that picture of you worry even hurt because it looks small office."
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