Actor So Ji Sub will reportedly try hip hop music. It was announced on the 12th, "More recently, So Ji Sub has been working
on an album. At this early production, is likely to be a single full-length album."
A release date has not been revealed, but according to Soji Sub agency, singles can be released by the end of this year or January 2013, depending on the speed of production.
So Ji Sub is reported to have had a continued interest in hip hop music. The actor will once again teamed with composer Kim Gun Woo, who worked on 'Corona Borealis' latest release.
A release date has not been revealed, but according to Soji Sub agency, singles can be released by the end of this year or January 2013, depending on the speed of production.
So Ji Sub is reported to have had a continued interest in hip hop music. The actor will once again teamed with composer Kim Gun Woo, who worked on 'Corona Borealis' latest release.
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