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Friday, February 15, 2013

2NE1 and Gummy Free Will Degree Concert February 23

3:23 PM

Girlband 2NE1 still finds time to care for others in need. One of them with a free concert along with Gummy.

The concert was to help the youth in the region of Taean, South Korea, which is the location of the oil spill accident in 2007. According to the plan the concert was held at the Sejong Culture Hall Theater, February 23.

The free concert was initiated by the company Silk Road C & T. This concert took place since 2008. Previously, 2NE1 also participate in a free concert in Vietnam.

The tragedy of the oil spill in Taean came after Hubbei Spirit tanker collided with a barge. As a result, more than 10,000 tons of oil spilled into the sea and damaging ecosystems in coastal areas Mallipo. One of the exotic beaches in South Korea had previously been an important place for migratory birds and the spearhead of the fishing industry with a plentiful supply of fish.

Read more: Here


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