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Friday, February 15, 2013

5 Members Infinite Graduated from University Daekyung

3:20 PM

Infinite just feel happy moment on February 15. Because 5 of 7 members Infinite graduated together from the University Daekyung. They are Sunggyu, L, Sungyeol, Hoya and Dongwoo.

The five members were equally major in music in 2011. Although busy with their schedules Infinite but remain diligent and follow all college exams. They also always share knowledge vocals, dance and perform on fellow students.

The graduation ceremony was held February 15 noon local time. But what follows is only Sunggyu, L and Sungyeol, Hoya and Dongwoo while forced to miss due to busy schedules Infinite subunit H. Graduation is also welcomed by the university proud.

"A rare thing to see the 5 members of the same group graduated together and graduated in the same year," said Professor Yoo Jung Woo of music majors. "They will also receive a special award 'Proud Daekyung University Student." We expect Infinite to increase the popularity of the university as well. "

Read more: Here


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