One of the personnel 4minute, Sohyun, invites fans to wish her happy birthday, HyunA. Today, Thursday, June 6, HyunA celebrates birthday-21 (22 years old in a matter of Korea).
On 6 June, HyunA celebrates birthday with 50 fans by holding a small event at Cube Cafe. "Today's HyunA unnie birthday! Please say happy birthday and a wonderful word for him," Sohyun tweet.
Seeing the many birthday greetings sent to her fans, HyunA reciprocate by writing a tweet. "Thanks to the fans who have come here (party) even though the weather was quite hot today," HyunA tweet.
Kim HyunA was born on June 6, 1992 in Seoul, South Korea. Prior career with 4Minute, HyunA had become personnel Wonder Girls.
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