After School's Uee is known as one of the K-Pop idol who has a beautiful body. In the latest episode of "Barefoot Friends', Uee again amaze netizens with a beautiful body. At that time the members' Barefoot Friends "is conducting a rigorous training to be able to jump from heights and diving.
The photos Uee exercise is also reaping praise from netizens. When wearing a wetsuit Uee body looks fit and athletic. Star of the series "He's Beautiful" is a former professional swimmer, so no wonder he has a healthy body.
"I'm so jealous of her body. I wish I could have a body like that," said one netizen. "I think he has a body that is healthy and athletic when compared with other K-Pop singer."
Coach on the show hoping Uee confessed to showing the best in the episode. "Diving and swimming are very different when viewed from the technique. Uee But I hope can do it better than any other current member of the race because he was a former swimmer," said the coach.
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